You are here: General Ledger

2. General Ledger


List of Amendments


Description of change

Manual section updated

April 2019

Added the GST Amount field to the GL import file as well as a description of how that field can be used

"GL Transactions - Import GL Journals"

June 2019

Updated the warning when deleting a financial year record as it was incorrect

"Maintenance - Archive Financial Year"

August 2017

Added details about loading reversal batches after creating a Standing Journal Accrual type batch

"Creating a New Standing Journal Template"

"Recalling a GL Transaction Batch"

October 2016

Updated the account numbers used in the examples on completing the Account File Update screen

"File - GL Accounts - GL Account"

April 2016

Added a warning about checking the T account combinations on GL accounts before creating new T account combinations

"Copying T Accounts for a New Financial Year (v2.8)"

April 2016

Added a note that you can access End of Month data using the Micronet End of Month Launcher

"Running GL End of Month"

April 2016

Updated the information on importing GL journals, including new Period and Use BAS From GL Account fields on the Import GL Journals screen (2.8 feature)

"GL Transactions - Import GL Journals"

August 2015

Changed the shortcut key for SETUP PAYPACK JOURNAL from S to J

"Setting up a Template for Lewis Paypack (v2.8)"

August 2015

Added procedures for importing payroll data from Cloud Payroll

"Importing Transactions from Cloud Payroll"

May 2015

Added procedure for importing payroll data from Lewis Paypack

"Importing Payroll Data from Lewis Paypack"

May 2015

Added procedure for setting up a standing journal template to import payroll data from Lewis Paypack

"Setting up a Template for Lewis Paypack (v2.8)"

March 2015

Added information on printing the GL External Report

"GL Transactions - External Ledgers Report"

March 2015

Updated information on GL periods to talk about "monthly posting periods" instead of "monthly period numbers"

"Monthly Posting Periods"

October 2014

Added a procedure overview to Bank Reconciliation process

"Bank Reconciliation Overview"

October 2014

Added diagram showing the relationship between the GL Account master file and other functions of the General Ledger system

"File - GL Accounts"

September 2014

Added procedure for setting up report batches

"Reports - Batch Reports"

September 2014

Updated the section on consolidating companies

"GL Transactions - Consolidate Companies"

September 2014

Added more detail to the sections on setting up and processing standing journals

"GL Transactions - Standing Journals"

"GL Transactions - Process Standing Journals"

July 2014

Moved Bank Reconciliation FILE menu options to after the EDIT menu options as these options are mostly used at the end of the Bank Reconciliation process

"Bank Reconciliation - File Menu Options"

"Bank Reconciliation - Edit Menu Options"

June 2014

Added company lockdown procedures to EOM procedures

"General Ledger End of Month Procedures"

April 2014

Removed all MAINTENANCE menu options that are also found in the Distribution system and referred to the Distribution options instead

"MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance"

April 2014

Added procedure for changing/merging GL account numbers

"Maintenance - Change GL Accounts"

September 2013

Added new menu option for archiving and deleting financial years under the MAINTENANCE menu

"Maintenance - Archive Financial Year"

September 2013

Removed the Archive and Delete buttons from the Financial Year Update screen

"File - Financial Years"

August 2013

Updated End of Month procedures for General Ledger

"General Ledger End of Month Procedures"

November 2012

Renamed GL Template File Update dialogue - Sub Account tab to GL Template File Update dialogue - T Accounts tab and replaced screenshot

"File - Template - T Accounts"

August 2012

Added information about adding and viewing narrative text (F5 key) for GL accounts

"Adding or Viewing Narrative Text for a GL Account"

July 2012

Added section on copying T account combinations to other GL accounts

"Copying T Account Combinations to Other GL Accounts"

July 2012

Added section on maintaining budgets for GL account templates

"Maintaining Budgets for a GL Account Template"

July 2012

Added section on copying T account combinations for a new financial year (2.8 feature)

"Copying T Accounts for a New Financial Year (v2.8)"

July 2012

Added section on entering budgets for a T account combination

"Maintaining Budgets for a T Account Combination"

July 2012

Updated information on entering T account combinations for a GL account

"File - GL Accounts - T Accounts"

February 2012

Renamed Sub Account tab on Account File Update dialogue to Budgets tab and updated procedure (2.8 feature)

"File - GL Accounts - Budgets (v2.8)"

February 2012

Updated Enter Journal Numbers dialogue which now shows the current MGL financial year periods (2.8 feature)

"Edit - Applications - MGL - Journal Numbers (v2.8)"

February 2012

Updated information on how Micronet generates journal transaction reference numbers

"Edit - Applications - MGL - Journal Numbers (v2.7)"

November 2011

Updated information on Profit & Loss report

"Reports - Profit and Loss"

November 2011

Updated information on Balance Sheet report

"Reports - Balance Sheet"

November 2011

Updated information on General Ledger Transactions

"GL Transactions – General Ledger Transactions"

November 2011

Updated information on End of Year procedures

"End of Year"

November 2011

Added information on archiving old financial years

"Maintenance - Archive Financial Year"

November 2011

Updated information on Account Inquiry

"Reports - Account Inquiry"

November 2011

Updated information on Trial Balance

"Reports - Trial Balance"

November 2011

Updated information on GL Summary

"Reports - GL Summary"

November 2011

Added information on user reports

"Reports - User Reports"

November 2011

Updated information on Bank Reconciliation

"GL Transactions - Bank Reconciliation"

November 2011

Updated information on GL End of Month rollover

"End of Period - End of Month"

September 2011

Removed references to the Banking Summary from system configuration

"Edit Company - Edit - Payment Types"

"Debtors Payments"

March 2011

Shortened section on setting up and configuring MGL by cross-referencing to appropriate screens

"Setup and Configuration Procedure"

March 2011

Renamed User File Update - MGL Security tab to User File Update - Extra Security tab

"Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 8. Extra Security"

August 2010

Added procedures for importing GL journals

"GL Transactions - Import GL Journals"

"GL Transactions – General Ledger Transactions"